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2D Map
EXGOLAND has a 2D map that contains
100,000 Lands with a size of 64x64 Meters
Users will access the market place where they will be able to purchase these land parcels using the USD stable token (USDC) until EXGOLAND integrates the purchase with EXGO token (EXGO). Users will be able to buy, sell & rent their lands with an option to put the minted land for bidding where all the users on EXGOLAND can take an opportunity to take part in the bidding.
After minting or buying the land, landowners can place their desired profile or logo picture in a way to make it a unique land to be seen by others.
Users will see different colors for different land status:
- Available Land – Green
- Minted Land – Blue or profile pic
- Land Unavailable for Sale – Dark blue
- Land Available on Sale on Marketplaces – Orange
Users will have these color explanation as a key in the 2D map. After land selection, users will be able to see land details like land location (longitude and latitude), name, description, status, price (if any), a zoomed picture of the specific parcel and many other useful details.
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